+49 177 7531644 hello@allminds-coaching.com


My life has always been a constant of changes: different hometowns, schools, career moves… all leading me here:

a systemic coach for individuals with or around AD(H)D. Through my own diagnosis, I understand the challenges that come with this neurodiversity, and additional training on the subject has further enriched my understanding.

As a trainer for adults I show up for everyone who wants to learn about Inclusion and Sustainable Intercultural Communicaiton. Companies ask me to improve their workflows, strengthen their teams and shape their work environment so that skilled people are happy to stay.

Being able to express myself creativly through music has always been a refuge for me; I’ve been active in the Berlin music scene for about 30 years now. As a mother, I also understand what it means to navigate a family with AD(H)D. My penchant for thinking outside the box has been nurtured by many years abroad in post-conflict zones – these foreign contexts have broadened my perspectives.


A brief overview of my background:

  • Degree in Pedagogy from the Free University of Berlin
  • Many years of peace and humanitarian work in Asia and Africa, inlcuding the UN
  • Office management in Berlin, work in refugee integration, coaching and counseling for individuals, professional orientation for youth
  • Certified training as a systemic coach and creative process facilitator
  • div. Trainings on neurodiversity / AD(H)D
ADHD-Coaching Berlin - Steph Buljugic