+49 177 7531644 hello@allminds-coaching.com


Finally retaining skilled labour? Want to finally retain your software engineers? Tired of head hunting skilled people? I can help you in creating a workplace that includes the colorful minds of your employees (e.g. AD(H)D and ASD) and promotes sustainable intercultural communication and knowledge.

Companies and start-ups are often colorful teams that grow quickly and need to achieve ambitious goals. More often than not, the view of (neuro)diverse staff, roles and tasks and a well-thought-out work structure take a back seat. This leads to conflicts and inefficiency, which in turn leads to stress and psychological strain (aka illness and resignations).

My training courses offer you the opportunity to design your work structures in a way that you see your employees in their full individual strength. This motivates every team member to use their skills in a targeted way to ensure team success.

Possible training content:

  • Introduction/continuation of a mindful approach to diversity in the team
  • Education about racism, sexism and other forms of exclusion
  • Neurodiversity information
  • Workspace education: sensitive neurodiversity
  • Sustainable intercultural communication
  • Sensitive team building / mindful team building

I use systemic and didactic methods (constellation, simulation games, role play / change of perspective, structuring of requirements and tasks) to convey complex content and sensitive topics.

Duration and scope of the training are individually shaped to your need: I will meet your requirements and topics. It can be a short format of a few hours but I can offer team days or trainings covering one or more days.

Trainings are held in person or online and can be offered in German and English.
Regardless of duration and scope, the training service always consist of three work packages: Preparation (clarification of the assignment and concept) / Implementation (process support, moderation and structuring of the team) / Follow-up (documentation, possibly outlook for further process support).

Curious? We can have a chat

ADHD-Coaching Berlin - Steph Buljugic

When spiders weave together, they can captivate a lion.
Ethiopian proverb